I am one person with autism (2018)

If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism
Remember this because this is about my autism
You don’t have to be sorry, you don’t have to congratulate
My autism is neither a curse nor a gift
It is simply a human condition that needs no cure nor blessing
I am not a neurotypical nor atypical autistic
I have no superhuman abilities nor gifted skills, I am neither low nor high
Just a hard functioning autistic with hypersensitivity to sounds and crowds,
trapped in a concrete jungle of noise and people and the endless pursuit of materialistic goals
My autism needs no cure, it needs vast open space to breathe and abundant solitude to heal
I’m not proud of being autistic. I’m proud to let my weirdness shine.
A half full glass is a half empty glass. My autism is both a disability and ability.
Autism is not a difference, it is another way, it is an alternative
It is a part of human condition, it is a part of human diversity
I don’t grieve nor celebrate my autism, I celebrate diversity
Diversity needs no cure, it needs kindness, support, respect and understanding
Remember that if you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism
If you’ve met one person, you’ve met one person. Let each person tell their own story.




14 thoughts on “I am one person with autism (2018)

  1. Hell yes!🙌🙌👏👏👏 Autism is a part of you like the color of your eyes, left or right handed, your shoe size…etc, etc, etc..
    You are wonderful exactly the way you are❣💪🐨🏞🌏🐈🐾😻😍💌💌

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it is part of my identity but it doesn’t define me. We are each affected by autism in different ways, I can’t speak for anyone else and I don’t want anyone else to speak for me. I think a part of raising awareness is to empower each individual to stand up and speak for themselves. I am a wanderfool 😜 you are wonderful! 💐 🌷

      Liked by 2 people

  2. 100% hit the nail on the head (again!) This is brilliant. I don’t often reblog other people’s work – except when I know I could not say it better myself.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Kellie! I’m flattered by your kind words. My newsfeed was inundated with autism awareness related posts but I couldn’t find one that resonated with me, which gave me the idea to write my own. Although I was only speaking for myself, I’m glad you can relate too. ❤


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